I was absolutely thrilled and so blessed to be able to read and review this book. I have loved the ministry of Time-Warp Wife and have found so much encouragement from author Darlene Schacht. Darlene is like a fountain of encouragement and wisdom overflowing into the lives of so many woman every day. I love how through her book and her blog, she always refers back to scripture. I never have to wonder if what she is saying is biblical or just her opinion because she always follows it with scripture.
Scripture isn’t a candy bowl by which we pick and
choose our favorite words hoping to satiate our
palette. It’s a well-balanced diet of truth which is
difficult to swallow at times, but nevertheless it
brings nourishment to our soul.~ Darlene Schacht- The Good Wife's Guide: Embracing Your Role As A Help Meet
I grew up in a broken home raised only by my mother, who is a christian and raised us up in the Lord, but I never was able to see the role of a "help meet". When I first saw The Good Wife's Guide, I knew I had to read it and that it would be just full of biblical encouragement and structure on how to serve my husband. I love the way Darlene expresses her heart in this book. She is such a great example. She covers some topics that are considered "hush-hush" topics in our society today such as SUBMISSION. I love her honesty on this subject and how she pulls her beliefs directly form the bible. I love what she says here:
Submission doesn't mean that we’re weak-minded,
feeble, or frail. It means that we’re empowered by
choice, and that we’re dedicated to esteeming others
higher than ourselves. ~Darlene Schacht
Do we really understand what submission is and what it actually looks like? I think it is so important for us to understand biblical submission and what biblical marriage looks like. As a young wife just getting my feet wet in my almost 5 years of marriage, this book has been such a great help. We are planning to have children, Lord willing, and I know I will be referring back to this book for years to come. Now this eBook is available in print and I think a copy should be given to every bride-to-be as a wedding shower gift. True values are being lost in this world and "The Good Wife's Guide" is full of the values I hope to teach my children someday. Being that my parents are divorced and the enormous divorce rate of our country, it is so refreshing to read about someone who has been married over 20 years and bases her values right out of God's word. Darlene is truthful and loving in all her words.
There are also some great tips on housekeeping along with a schedule, organizing tips, house cleaning recipes and I love her idea of hanging specific scriptures in specific rooms of the house. This book challenges us as women and help meets to search scripture, to serve our husbands and to do it all with a willing and loving attitude.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or
vain conceit. Rather, in humility value
others above yourselves.
~ Philippians 2:3
I highly recommend this inexpensive eBook or the new print version that will be available soon.
click on the link below image to buy a copy of the eBook today!
Wow, you just blew me away with that awesome review. I think I'm going to cry. Is there any way you might post a bit of this on Amazon? If you can't--no worries. I just love, love, love it!
ReplyDeleteOf course I will put it on Amazon! Thank you for the opportunity to review your book.
Thanks again!!